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About OYSC
The OYSC Philosophy

The OYSC is a recreational program. The youth and their enjoyment of playing, as they are learning the game, is the primary objective of the program.

The OYSC strives to put an emphasis on learning and having fun vs. winning or losing. It has been a consistent policy of the OYSC Board of Directors to provide a soccer experience to as wide a range of youth as possible. Every player has a right to play regardless of their skill level.

OYSC Board of Directors

You've seen us at the concessions stand, directing traffic at Soccer Saturday, setting up goals, painting fields, refereeing, coaching, maybe you've talked to one of them on the phone, or just heard their name in passing. They're your Oshkosh Youth Soccer Club Board of Directors. The group is a 'working' Board, so be assured that when not in the Board room, it's quite possible to spot a Board member mending a net, or touching-up a spectator line; They may be alternately watching, coaching and/or officiating games, or serving brats and hamburgers. One thing's for certain, they wear several hats, each… and they're definitely doing as much, if not more, outside of the Board Room as in it!

Next time you see one of our Board members or staff, introduce yourself. Your support helps make the OYSC experience the best it can be for kids (our first priority!), as well as moms, dads, friends and families. Better yet, join the Club! For information on what you can do to become involved, have fun, and more actively support OYSC, email


Ward Balcerzak


Haley Edwards


Tim Moore


Dawn Lewis

Board Member

Kelly Tuley

Board Member

Kyle Ploor

Board Member

Ryan Stephenson

Board Member

Barry Gayhart

The OYSC Board of Directors meets the second Sunday of the month. Election of officers is held annually in May.

©1979-2025 Oshkosh Youth Soccer Club